Using simple data transformations, analyzed 12 years of Stack Overflow posts to identify trends in programming language queries. Presented findings via animated Flourish race bar chart.
Date: March 16, 2021
Inspired by a Squibler application of the same name, this desktop app helps break writer's block by asking writers to quickly respond to prompts. If writers are idle for 5 seconds, all of their work is deleted, but if they can continuously write for one minute, they can save their masterpiece. I wrote the app using Python and TKinter
Date: April 18, 2021
I built this website, The Communique, from scratch using Bootstrap, Python, Flask, WTForms, SQLalchemy, and other goodies. Site and database are hosted on Heroku.
Date: March 17, 2021
Audiobook Workshop is a web app written in Python (with Flask) for converting a .pdf into an .mp3 audio file. The app stores results in a playable library. To convert .pdf files to text, I used the pdfplumber Python library, and to convert text to audio, I used gTTS Python library and CLI tool to interface with Google Translate's text-to-speech API.
Date: April 20, 2021
Hidden Palette is a Python/Flask web application that generates the most commonly used colors in an uploaded image. The app then makes associated hex codes available for download as a text file. I use Pillow and numpy to generate RGB arrays from the images, which I then convert into (long) lists of hex codes. Using the Collections library, I identify the most common hex codes and then use pickle (I love the name!) to store as a file for use in the app.
Date: April 21, 2021
The Watermarker is a Python desktop application that adds a text-based watermark to an uploaded image. The watermarked image is then saved as a .jpg in the program folder.
Date: April 6, 2021
You Kan Do It is a simple kanban-style task management / procrastination application, intended for desktop use. To build it, I used Python, Flask, WTForms, SQLalchemy, and Bootstrap.
Date: April 17, 2021
I think I spent more time trying to decide what website to scrape than actually writing this code! This is a Python script that uses Beautiful Soup to scrape Amazon weekly non-fiction best seller lists and save as .csv files. The user can adjust the starting date and number of weeks to query.
Date: April 22, 2021
The Bibliophile is a web application for searching for bookstores and libraries in the DC area, as well as for crowd-sourcing contributions towards the database. The app uses Python, Flask, WTForms, SQAlchemy, and other goodies. I wrote a separate Class ( for querying the Open Street Map database using key:value pairs.
Date: April 12, 2021
My kids have been asking me to make them a *game*. Vaccinator is a breakout-style desktop game with a pandemic theme. I wrote it in Python with the Turtle library.
Date: April 8, 2021
Typing Test is a desktop game that scores players based on number of correctly typed words per minute. I wrote the game using Python and Tkinter.
Date: April 7, 2021
This is a Jupyter notebook-based project that uses the Pytrends and APIs to query changes in Google search trends for a given keyword and corresonding changes in the closing price a selected public stock. Documentation rendered with GitHub pages.
Date: August 26, 2022
For the Turkiye-Syria Earthquake, my team was asked to pull together data resources and analytical methods to support rapid impact monitoring. For ease of use and future documentation efficiency, I prepared team inputs as a markdown file, rendered with Github pages. Moving forward, this will be our starter repo document for new large project support requests.
Date: February 19, 2023
To continue the spirit of a pandemic-paused annual brunch, I wrote a python script to help friends connect virtually. I used the Sheety API to generate random matches between guests, and smtplib for sending emails, encouraging new connections -- as though they were at brunch!.
Date: January 31, 2021
I created a Streamlit app and Jupyter Notebook for using OpenAI APIs to generate python code that can be used to explore datasets. Used a Starbucks dataset as an example.
Date: March 31, 2023
This Streamlit application is intended to demonstrate how the GitHub API can be used to support a simple wrapper for a code catalog, as well as to spark initial discussions around the governance and content of a program.
Date: January 06, 2025